Dari sini terlihat bahwa kontribusi matematika terbanyak terjadi pada abad ke-19 dan 20.
Di abad ke-20, perkembangan matematika terjadi mengikuti perkembangan ilmu fisiika dan sains lainnya.
* mathematicsl foundations discuss logic and symbols.
* analysis is said to be the language of science itself and is used across chemistry, biology, and physics
* algebra is said to be the study of structure
* geometry deals with spatial relationship using fundamental qualities or axioms
* probability and stats deal with any random phenomena
* stats can be thought of as the science of making effective use of numerical data from experiments or from populations of individuals
* numerical analysis is the study of iterative methods and algorithms for approximately solving problems to a specified error bound
Briding to next slide:
So there's a lot of type of categorization of areas of mathematics.
Then, where does mathematics actually take place in our daily life? especially, in industry?
Who is isaac newton? (asking audience)
When or Where did you know about this person?
What did he write?
Tell a story about how I learned data science, machine learning, and up to this point
* Self-paced learning
* Learning outside formal education, taking online course, researching, reading
* Challenged myself by taking paid internship
* Mathematics is always there as a solid foundation of my learning journey
* Not saying I'm expert at math, I still need to review a lot of basic mathematic laws and concepts
* As long as you have the foundation and eager to learn, then you're probably doing fine